Upcoming Dates
Sunday 16 June 24, 2 - 10.30 pm
Sunday 16 June 24, 2 - 10.30 pm
Chester Racecourse is showing all the Euro 2024 matches this Sunday 16 June on the Pavilion Lawn.
If you're still looking for a place to watch the England football, then Chester Racecourse are opening their gates so you can watch every penalty, corner and goal of every Euro match this Sunday. Cheer on England at the number one spot in Chester.
Not only will there be football, but also live music, delicious street food and plenty of pints to give you a real match day experience.
Book your place via the 'Tickets' button above or give Chester Racecourse a call.
Gates open 2 pm
Tickets £10 per adult, £5 per child (17 and under) Tickets incude a complimentary drink
Last orders 10.15 pm
Please not that as this is not a usual race day there is no dress code.
Seating is available on a first come first served basis.
Chester Racecourse Chester CH1 2LY
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