With over two million visitors arriving each year, it is understood that Chester Zoo is one of the UK’s most beloved attractions. A tireless beacon of conservationism, the zoo is dedicated to protecting endangered species and preventing extinction both here in the UK and through hundreds of projects around the world.
With more than 35,000 different animals and hundreds of rare species and open seven days a week, every day is ideal for dropping by the zoo, but December 27 is an ideal time for those seeking to honour the efforts of zoologist and how far zoos have come in a short time.
Visit the Zoo Day is an official celebration held each year around the world. While the origins of the occasion are not entirely clear, the concept of a zoo is well-documented. The idea of zoos reaches back in time for at least two millennia. The term ‘zoo’ is a shortened expression a zoological garden or park or garden and typically describe a home for a wide range of species while functioning as a protective shelter for the animals who live within them.
While zoos were once collections of creatures for display, today they promote conservation and work to educate people while furthering scientific research.
Chester Zoo is committed to creating the perfect natural habitat for each of the species it provides a home for, making it the ideal place to celebrate Visit the Zoo Day. Visitors on the 27th can learn about the importance of protecting vulnerable animals and reconnect with hundreds of species to mark the occasion.