Sightseeing & Tours
in Chester

Find all the best sightseeing and tours in Chester here

Sightseeing and tours of Chester are a must!

Take your pick from our choice of all the top sightseeing and tours in Chester below or discover your absolute favourite ways to see and learn about the city by clicking ‘Find My Perfect Sightseeing Tours’ to filter by your additional personal preferences. 

There is so much to see in Chester and there are a ridiculous number of ways to do your sightseeing whether it be by boat, bike, bus, walking or running and from every angle be it along the walls, on the river, from a foodie, ghost or heritage perspective I really don’t think there is another city that has got so creative with it’s tours. 

Enjoy the delights of this amazing city in whatever way takes your fancy and make the most of all the things to do you’ll find as you get acquainted with Chester not to mention the delicious food and drink on offer. 

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Best sightseeing and tours in Chester

Walking tours in Chester

Sightseeing bus tours in Chester

Treasure trails and treasure hunts in Chester

Ghost tours in Chester

Chester’s historic landmarks

Bike tours, bike hire and bike trails in Chester

Boat tours, boat hire and river cruises in Chester

Food and drink tours in Chester

Brewery tours in Chester

Self guided tours in Chester

Latest Chester sightseeing and tours news

Dec 17
Chester Tour Expert to Host Christmas Parties

Known for its relaxing tours of the idyllic River Dee, Chesterboat is long-standing…

Sep 26
Chester Helps New Students Discover the City

Offering Chester University freshers an ideal way to explore their new home-from-home,…

Sep 06
How Much Do You Know About Chester Castle?

Based on Grosvenor Street and overlooking the Dee, the ruins of Chester Castle are an…

Aug 24
What Can Chester Offer Military Enthusiasts?

With origins as a Roman Fortress, Chester has become a mecca for those with an…

Aug 18
How to Spend a Day in Chester

Over eight million people visit Chester each year, and a key reason for this is that…

Jul 29
Why Do Tourists Visit Chester?

Not far from the England-Wales border, Chester is the second largest city in Cheshire.…