Chester city centre sparkles after spring clean

A month-long, city-wide spring clean took place in April, in support of the nationwide Great British Spring Clean campaign

Chester city centre has been spruced thanks to the efforts of local businesses and the city’s Business Improvement District, CH1ChesterBID.

Streets, steps and shop-fronts have been left gleaming after a specialist cleaning contractor supported by volunteers from stores such asMarks & Spencer, Wilko, McDonalds and Tesco rolled up their sleeves to support the month-long clean-up.

Over 150 businesses had their shop fronts cleaned and key tourist attractions including parts of Chester Rows and the area around the Eastgate Clock were deep cleaned.

Now in its third year, the clean-up has become an annual event thanks to CH1ChesterBID, with the community coming together as part of an ongoing effort to keep the city centre looking attractive and welcoming to visitors.

Nick White, City Centre Manager at CH1ChesterBID said: “One of the most important aspects of our job as a Business Improvement District (BID), is maintaining Chester’s reputation as a wonderful place to visit for shopping, leisure and dining.


CH1 Bid Cheshire Sanwich Shop on Godstall Lane Before Picture  CH1 Bid Cheshire Sandwich Shop After picture

“We are very lucky to have such a beautiful city, steeped in heritage and culture, which businesses want to protect. Campaigns, such as the Great British Spring Clean, are a good way to unite the community and get the city ready for summer.”

The spring clean initiative was supported by Cheshire West and Chester Council, which provided a range of equipment and tools for the volunteers. The CH1ChesterBID clean-up was organised in addition to the Council’s own street washing programme.

Chester Model Centre on Bridge Street Row was one of the businesses to benefit from the clean-up. Paul Boyland, the store’s proprietor, said: “It is great to be involved in such an important initiative in the city centre.

“We love being based in Chester and it’s brilliant that local businesses take such pride in the city’s appearance and are prepared to work together to make a difference. We think it’s vital that we continue to work together to make the city centre more attractive to visitors and local residents.

“We are really grateful to CH1ChesterBID for organising this, the results are outstanding.”

This year’s spring clean has also taken place in conjunction with the national Great British Spring Clean campaign, which aims to inspire 400,000 people to get active and help clear up rubbish in their local areas.

A further city centre clean-up is planned for July 2019 with CH1ChesterBID again co-ordinating the effort.

As part of CH1ChesterBID’s new business plan, an autumn clean-up would also be introduced to the city centre each year from 2019 on top of the annual spring clean. That’s as long as CH1ChesterBID secures another ‘yes’ vote from city centre businesses in a re-ballot this summer, which would secure a second five-year-term for the group.

For more information about CH1ChesterBID, visit