Explore 50 acres of Tatton Park’s Gardens from the comfort of your own home

Explore Tatton Park Garden at your own pace and without leaving home, by simply downloading an app onto your phone.

If you can’t visit Tatton Park, the Garden can come to you!

Tatton Park’s Garden is a place for quiet reflection and peaceful retreat from our busy lives, and it is in our nature and purpose to be able to share it with visitors. However, due to the government’s latest restrictions regarding working arrangements and social distancing, the decision was taken to close Tatton Park for the period of the ‘lockdown’.

But all is not lost! Download the Candide Gardening app today and let Tatton Park’s Garden come to you. If you haven’t downloaded an app before, here’s what to do:

  • Go to your phone’s App Store or Google Play
  • Search for Candide Gardening and download the app
  • In the app, go to ‘Places’
  • Search for Tatton Park
  • Select ‘Tour’
  • There are 19 mini audio tours numbered on a map of the Garden. Tap the numbers to listen as our Head Gardener describes each area

It’s like the Head Gardener is talking directly to you!

Tatton Park Simon Tetlow Tatton Head Gardener

Listen as our Head Gardener, Simon Tetlow explores 19 areas of Tatton Park’s 50-acre Garden. Simon describes wonderful features such as the Orchard, Pinetum and Orangery, and reveals little-known facts about what it takes to keep the Garden at its prime, as well as bringing its long and varied history to life. It’s like he’s talking directly to you on your very own private tour of the Garden!

“Hi my name’s Simon Tetlow, Head Gardener at Tatton Park and I’d like to wish you a very warm welcome to our wonderful garden”

An online haven for gardeners

Other features of the Candide Gardening app include a database for identifying plants and, as a featured ‘Place’; Tatton Park will be sharing regular posts and photographs of springtime across the Estate. Why not have a click around and ‘visit’ other gardens featured within the app?

Opening times

Tatton Park is currently closed to the public. This is a temporary measure that is being kept under regular review and will respond to the national and local situation.

Our gates may be closed, but you can visit us online

We’ll do our best to share interesting wildlife moments and beautiful images from the Parkland, Farm and Garden, where vital activities are being carried out by a small number of staff. Here’s how you can stay in touch with happenings at Tatton Park during the lockdown:

  • tattonpark.org.uk – visit our new Springtime in the Park pages, where we’re you can read about Our Farm News, Wildlife wonders and What’s in Bloom
  • tattonpark.org.uk – check out our Boredom Busters for activities to do at home with the kids
  • e-news – sign up on our website and receive updates from Tatton Park
  • Facebook, Instagram and Twitter – find us @TattonPark
  • Candide Gardening App – download onto your phone and search for Tatton Park

Stay safe and we hope to welcome you to Tatton Park in the near future.