One of Britain’s most renowned landmarks, Chester Zoo has set up a special event to celebrate Halloween throughout the whole of October.

Entitled ‘Luna’s Lost Spell Halloween Trail’, the indoor adventure introduces all taking part to a wide range of exciting creatures.

The fully interactive experience allows those taking the tours to encounter some of the zoo’s most hair-raising species, like Komodo dragons, poison dart frogs, Gaboon vipers, tarantulas and the infamous upside-down jellyfish. At each of the animal stations, guests will learn unusual facts and get the chance to collect a letter and eventually form a word. Those who manage to discover the magic word will be rewarded with a sweet Halloween treat.

The activity uses the latest augmented reality (AR) technology, enabling those hunting for the magic word to use their smartphone to scan a QR code and uncover letters via a fun and interactive experience before stamping the letters on a postcard.

Admissions and Membership Manager at Chester Zoo, Gemma Bamford, commented that Halloween provided the perfect chance to shine a spotlight on many of zoo’s unknown species, and to inspire visitors to help prevent the extinction of some extraordinary and unusual animals.

The trail includes a ride to each station on a Halloween-themed bus. There will also be stops at the Fruit Bat Forest, where guests can see the zoo’s bats in action.

Lunas Lost Spell Halloween Trail has been in place since last Saturday, October 1, and continues to Monday, October 31.