Castle Square’s Cheshire Military Museum is the home of martial history in Chester. With relics ranging from the Regular Army of 17th century to post war conflicts of the 21st century, the museum is a treasure trove for fans of military history. Now, the city attraction has announced a new exhibition entitled “What a Mess!”

A temporary exhibit, the new feature will examine life in both the Officer’s Mess and the fixture for Corporals and Sergeants as well. The Mess was designed to deliver meals to the enlisted men of rank, but also recreational facilities and, in some cases, accommodation too.

The new installation at the museum looks will give its guests insight into within a Regimental Mess, which were often used to host celebrations and ceremonial dinners. The exhibit is based around the museum’s Cheshire Regiment collection, and will show the meals that were served, what Mess members wore to events, the rules they followed and the kinds of entertainment they enjoyed.

Curator for Chester Military Museum, Caroline Chamberlain, commented:

“The exhibition includes objects which are not usually displayed in the Museum including a number of caricatures of Cheshire Regiment Officers some from the late 19th century and others which are more recent.”

The exhibition has been specially designed to appeal to visitors of all ages with activities suited to children. Younger museum guests can participate and create a Mess menu, host a pretend tea, and spot a pickle spoon in the collection.

The “What a Mess!” exhibit will run until July.