Spring clean underway in Chester city centre

Led by CH1ChesterBID in partnership with Cheshire West and Chester Council, a team of volunteers from city businesses have joined forces with professional cleaners and embarked on a two-week clean up across the high street

Armed with their mops and brushes, a team of volunteers from the city’s business community are taking on a two-week, city-wide spring clean with the help of some specialist cleaners and CH1ChesterBID.

The city’s Business Improvement District has organised the clean-up – which has become an annual event in its programme of activity – as part of an ongoing effort to keep Chester city centre looking attractive and welcoming for visitors.

Deep cleaning has already begun and will take place in areas including parts of Chester Rows, the steps to Eastgate Clock, Chester Cathedral and the shop-fronts of more than 75 businesses across the city centre.

Spring Clean Volunteers from businesses such as Marks Spencer Wilko McDonalds and Tesco

Volunteers from businesses such as Marks & Spencer, Wilko, McDonalds and Tesco as well as Chester Cathedral will be rolling up their sleeves to help the spring clean effort, which is also in support of this year’s national Great British Spring Clean campaign.

Nick White, City Centre Manager at CH1ChesterBID, said: “It’s that time of year again when we encourage our local businesses to work with us and get Chester looking brilliant just in time for spring and summer.

“It’s amazing what a difference we can make with lots of volunteers pulling in the same direction and we’ve already made a great start on this year’s spring clean. We can’t wait to see the final results once we’ve got around the whole city centre.”

Rebecca Bradbury, Store Manager at Wilko on Foregate Street, said: “We’re huge supporters of Chester’s spring clean and we love the fact that we have a proactive BID team that makes this happen every year. Long may that continue.

“It makes a huge difference to the overall experience in the city centre and as a high street business, we love the fact that it helps shoppers fall in love with Chester every time they visit.”

Franchisee Jeanette Roe, who owns and operates the McDonald’s on Foregate Street, added: “Our volunteers are always happy to support local high street initiatives like this and the clean-up has already had a really positive impact.

“We’re proud to be playing our part again this year in helping to create a more attractive city centre for everyone to enjoy.”

Spring Clean Chester city centre is benefitting from a spring clean

Maria Byrne, Director of Place Operations at Cheshire West and Chester Council, said: “This year’s spring clean has been a success due to partnership working between CH1ChesterBID, businesses and the authority. We would like to thank everyone involved.”

The nationwide Great British Spring Clean campaign aims to inspire 400,000 people to get active and help clear up rubbish. It brings together people from across the county to clear up the litter that blights cities, villages and beaches.

For more information about CH1ChesterBID, visit www.chesterbid.co.uk